What is GeoCaching?

Geo-Caching is when you find hidden treasure using a GPS.

The coordinates (Longitude & Latitude) are given at GeoCaching.com.  The treasure is called a 'Cache'.

Once the Cache has been located you typically sign the log-book and take a couple items (toys, etc) and leave a couple items.

The 'find' is logged into GeoCaching.com.  The GeoCache may be very easy (or) difficult to find!!!

Below are some pictures from our Geo-Caching experiences in order from oldest to newest, left to right, top to bottom.

Click on picture's to enlarge  Links that show a S next to them have a sound file, click on the S to hear sound file.

The Cache Name below the picture will take you to the GeoCaching.Com page for this Cache

  The SuperGoober

SuperGoober's 1'st - 99th Find!!!

SuperGoober's 100th - 199th Find!!!

SuperGoober's 200th - 299th Find!!!

SuperGoober's 300th - 399th Find!!!

SuperGoober's 400th - 499th Find!!!

SuperGoober's 500th - 599th Find!!!

SuperGoober's 600th - 699th Find!!!

SuperGoober's 700th - 799th Find!!!

SuperGoober's 800th - 899th Find!!!

SuperGoober's 900th - 999th Find!!!


   My first Travel-Bug, named SuperGoober;  hopes to travel around and have fun :)   SuperGoober 2.  16 April 2004; Would like to travel as much as possible and go back home at the end of the year.   Daniel's Skele-Bug.  16 April 2005; Would like to travel to Japan and back home.   Nathan's Blorg.  An alien Travel Bug.  Hoping to go to Japan and return home at the end of the year.   Sianna's "Silly Fly" Travel Bug.  1 July 2005   This Jeep Travel Bug was assigned to me on 29 June 2005  

   Iowa GeoCaching Coin (front)   Iowa GeoCaching Coin (Back)    


   SuperGoober checking the cache late at night (15 May 2005)         Nathan and his new "Alien Cache"; 17 April 2005    Sianna's "Flying Pony" Cache.  1 July 2005       Me and Daniel at Kenwood Park Micro Cache.  12 September 2005     Gazebo Amoebo Elemental Cache placed 10 October 2005       Daniel & the Manhattan Day & Night Cache (original location); 26 Oct 2005        The Sign says it all Cache, Cedar Rapids IA - 8 February 2006

   The "The Flying Potato Cache"; Lily Lake, Amana IA

   Screen shot from Google Earth, pretty cool!   Some of the Cache's in Cedar Rapids IA   .klm file   Plan Route    Another Cache outing plan  :)  Cache-Ex, Davenport  Wickiup Event

   500 Decon Containers!!! 

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