What is Geo-Caching?

Geo-Caching is when you find hidden treasure using a GPS.

The coordinates (Longitude & Latitude) are given at GeoCaching.com.  The treasure is called a 'Cache'.

Once the Cache has been located you typically sign the log-book and take a couple items (toys, etc) and leave a couple items.

The 'find' is logged into GeoCaching.com.  The Geo Cache may be very easy (or) difficult to find!!!

Below are some pictures from our Geo-Caching experiences in order from oldest to newest, left to right, top to bottom.

Click on picture's to enlarge  Links that show a S next to them have a sound file, click on the S to hear sound file.

The Cache Name below the picture will take you to the GeoCaching.Com page for this Cache


  The SuperGoober

   "Cortright Cache #4" Cortright Wildlife Area, South of Littleton, IA - 5 July   Cortright Cache" Cortright Wildlife Area, South of Littleton, IA - 5 July   "Cortright Cache #2" Cortright Wildlife Area, South of Littleton, IA - 5 July   "Stand By Me" Davenport, IA - 11 July 2009   "I-80 Smashed Penny" North of Walcott, IA - 11 July 2009   "Satisfaction Guaranteed" Walcott, IA - 11 July 2009   "Welcome to Walcott, Walcott, IA - 11 July 2009   "Port of Dubuque" Dubuque, IA - 12 July 2009  

   "Jackpot Party" Dubuque, IA - 12 July 2009   "Tech Park #1" Key West, IA - 12 July 2009   "Wise Move" Hiawatha, IA - 13 July 2009   "Clark Park Lark" Hiawatha, IA - 15 July 2009   "Caspers Cache V2" Boyson Park, Boyson, IA - 16 July 2009   "Tech Park Loop cache" Key West, IA - 17 July 2009   "Military Road" South-West of Rockdale, IA - 18 July 2009   "Old Military Road" Plaque   "Massey 1" Massey, IA - 19 July 2009

   "Big & Rouynd" Massey, IA - 19 July 2009   "Masseyt 2" Massey, IA - 19 July 2009   "IPC #2 Nice and Cozy" Dubuque, IA - 19 July 2009   "BGTDBQ" Dubuque, IA - 19 July 2009   "Sky King Scatter Cash" Hiawatha, IA - 20 July 2009   "SKSC-""LOG" Roll, Boyson Park, Boyson, IA - 22 July 2009   "SKSC: Yield to Flying Saucers" Clark Park, Hiawatha, IA - 23 July 2009   "Trail Dreamer #1" Marion, IA - 24 July 2009   "Trail Dreamer #2" Marion, IA - 24 July 2009

   "Bad Movie Cache" Robins City Park, Robins, IA - 25 July 2009   "Cathedral Square" Dubuque, IA - 26 July 2009   "Fools Gold" Dubuque, IA - 26 July 2009   "Sears Tower" Dubuque, IA - 16 July 2009   "The Case of the Silver Pooch" Dubuque, IA - 26 July 2009   "Bend in the river" Dubuque, IA - 26 July 2009   "Southern Cofort" Dubuque, IA - 26 July 2009   "SKSC: Hanna And  Her Sisters (seed- ) Cache, Hanna, Park, Marion, IA - 27 July 2009   "Whiskers Wacky Cache" Marion, IA - 28 July 2009

   "Chevron 2... Encoded" Marion, IA - 28 July 2009   "Trail Dreamer #4" Marion, IA - 29 July 2009   "Trail Dreamer #3" Marion, IA - 29 July 2009   "Out of Bounds" Ellis Park, Cedar Rapids, IA - 30 July 2009   "B road to ME" North of Vinton, IA - 1 August 2009   "Minne estema #3" Minee Estema Park, North of Vinton, IA - 1 August 2009   Minne Estema #1" Minne Estema Park, North of Vinton, IA - 1 August 2009   "Minne Estema #2" Minne Estema Park, North of Vinton, IA - 1 August 2009   "The "Ol" Barn, Old Creamery Nature Trail, Garrison, IA - 1 August 2009

   "Pol - Tre" Old Creamery Nature Trail, Garrison, IA - 1 August 2009   "Shady Deer Run" Old Creamery Nature Trail, North-East of Garrison, IA - 1 August 2009   "Pop A Top...Again" Cache, West of Urbana, IA - 2 August 2009   "Bridge to ME" South of Brandon, IA - 2 August 2009   "Ryans Cache" LaPorte City, IA - 2 August 2009   'Down' on the Farm - South of Eagle Center, IA - 2 August 2009   "One -Truck" South of Eagle Center, IA - 2 August 2009   "'X' Marks the Spot" South of Eagle Center, IA- 2 August 2009   "Within Sight" South of Eagle Center, IA - 2 August 2009\

   "Corner of Nowhere" South of Eagle Center, IA - 2 August 2009   "Genheseo Cemetary" South of Eagfle Center, IA- 2 August 2009   "Headwig's House" South of Eagle Center, IA - 2 August 2009   "Super '8' Motel" South of Eagle Center, IA - 2 August 2009   "Mark Taylor Tribute" Cedar Rapids, IA - 3 August 2009   The Tribute to Deputy Mark M. Taylor's death   "Culvivate Hope" Cedar Rapids, IA - 4 August 2009   "Just take a little off the top" Cedar Rapids, IA - 4 August 2009   "SKSC Take the Time" Time Check Park, Cedar Rapids, IA - 4 August 2009

  "The twins" South of Bertram, IA - 6 August 2009   Pop Goes The Weasel - (Birthday Cache), Marion, IA - 7 August 2009   "Curse of the FTF # 5 (Black Hawk County), North-West of Laporte City, IA - 8 August 2009   "Y.A.R.N. BHCo. #1" South-West of Gilbertville, IA - 8 August 2009   "How High's the Water Pa-Pa??" South-West of Gilbertville, IA - 8 August 2009   "Washburn Road Cache" West of Gilbertville, IA - 8 August 2009   "CEDAR RIVER NATURE RESOURCE AREA" South of Gilbertville, IA - 8 August 2009   "Hides cache" South of Gilbertville, IA - 8 August 2009   "Animallover99 hide" Cedar Valley Nature Trail, South of Gilbertville, IA - 8 August 2009

   "CVNT "Multigeheimes Lager Zehn" Cedar Valley Nature Trail, South of Gilbertville, IA - 8 Auguast 2009   "CVNT "Multigeheimes Lager Vier" Cedar Valley Nature Trail, South of Gilbertville, IA - 8 Auguast 2009   "SKSC: ATFWINOC" Cache, Cedar Rapids, IA - 9 August 2009   "The Dead End" Cedar Rapids, IA - 9 August 2009   "Stars & Stripes" Hoover Nature Trail, North of Ely, IA - 9 Augustn 2009   "380 Trading Postg" West of Shueyville, IA - 9 August 2009   "Dog's Life" Cedar Rapids, IA - 9 August 2009   "Cache For Clunkers" Cedar Rapids, IA - 10 August 2009   "SKSC - H2O Power" Sac and Fox Trail, Cedar Rapids, IA - 11 August 2009

   "The Catnip Cache #1 Milo" Morgan Creek Park, Cedar Rapids, IA - 12 August 2009   "The Catnip Capers #3 Isabelle" Morgan Creek Park - 12 August 2009   "The Catnip Capers #2 Sophie" Morgan Creek Park, Cedar Rapids, IA - 12 August 2009   "The Catnip Capers #4 Leonardo Von Fluffy Pants"  Morgan Creek Park, Cedar Rapids, IA - 12 August 2009   "Trivial Cache" Cedar Lake, Cedar Rapids, IA - 13 August 2009   "Czech It Out Dva" Czech Village, Cedar, Rapids, IA - 14 August 2009   Krisdala Baka Rest Area   Electra: Dandy Horse Quest   De Rosa: Dandy Horse Quest

   Dawes: Dandy Horse Quest   Dahon: Dandy Horse Quest   Cartrike: Dandy Horse Quest   Cannondale: Dandy Horse Quest   Bohemian Bicycles: Dandy Horse   Bickerton: Dandy Horse Quest   Bianchi: Dandy Horse Quest   Beistegui Hermanos: Dandy Horse   Batavus: Dandy Horse Quest

   Basso: Dandy Horse Quest   Avanti: Dandy Horse Quest   AMF: Dandy Horse Quest


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